
  • We will meet at 08.30h at the National Pensions Institute (Nordenskiöldinkatu, 12 Helsinki)

    Each group will rehearse the final presentation (WIP Version, unfinished and with placeholders). You will receive feedback from tutors, Tania Rodriguez, and peers. The purpose of feedback is not to evaluate you but to give you ideas to help you prepare the final presentation. 

    08.30 Registration
    08.30 – 09.00 Set-up

    09.00 – 09.25 Group 1A
    09.25 – 09.50 Group 1B
    09.50 – 10.15 Group 1C

    10.15 – 10.30 Break

    10.30 – 10.55 Group 2A
    10.55 – 11.20 Group 2B
    11.20 – 11.45 Group 2C

    11.45 – 12.00 Reflections

    15.30 – 17.00 (Online or Otakaari 1) Group tutorials
    Tutorials have been reserved on Monday, but you can choose to have it another day if that is better, please let your tutor know your preference.