31E99905 - Master's Thesis Seminar, Lecture, 11.1.2022-12.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2022 Search Courses: 31E99905
Topic outline
Submit your research plan by first adding a discussion topic and then attaching your research plan and topic presentation as separate pdf files. Name the files as YourName_Research_plan.pdf and YourName_Topic_presentation.pdf. The submission deadline is on the previous Thursday 24:00 before the seminar.
Use the provisional title of your thesis as the title of the discussion, with the name of your group in parenthesis. For example, "Regulations, prices and entry in Nordic pharmaceutical markets (Group T2)".
Your plan and presentation must be approved by your supervisor. Contact him/her in time so that you have time to make required revisions. In your discussion entry write down the date when your supervisor approved your research plan and the accompanying slides, and her/his name.
Please appear in the seminar room well before the start. The classroom has a computer, which is open at the MyCourses course page through which all presenters have easy access to their slides.
For topic presentations the maximum uninterrupted duration is 12 minutes, which usually implies 5-9 content slides. Prepare to answer questions and comments from the audience after your presentation. If you anticipate some likely questions you may prepare additional "spare slides" that you can show during the discussion.
Begin by presenting your research question, the reason why it is important and interesting, and the most relevant background information on your topic (e.g., institutional details, important prior research) that the audience needs to understand your question and its significance. Then summarize your plan of research: if you are doing original research, explain your planned approach(es) to answering the research question; if you are doing a literature survey, explain the main approach(es) used in the literature.
Other students
Add a reply to discussion of a member of your group with your comments on the research plan. You are discussing the written research plan, not the slides. One comment is usually a short paragraph, sometimes 2-3 paragraphs. You should give at least three substantially distinct comments to each member of your group. Comments must be delivered as plain text in the comment field, not as attached files. You must submit your online comments before the seminar meeting takes place.
Read the Commenting guidelines for more information.
Be prepared to discuss the topic in the seminar after the presentation, taking into account the actual presentation. Some comments that were inspired by the written plan might not be relevant after the presentation and the preceding classroom discussion. The comments are meant to be legible to everyone, not just the presenter. Do not assume that the audience has read your online comments.
Research plans Forum