
  • Exam dates: 

    1. Tue 22.2.2022 at 13-16
    2. Fri 22.4.2022 at 14-17 (registration begins 21.02.22)
    3. Tue 31.5.2022 at 09-12 (registration begins 01.04.22)

    All exams are organized online through MyCourses.

    Note! Once you have registered to the course in SISU, there is no need to separately register for the first exam on Tue 22.2. However, in case you are going to take the exam on the later dates, remember to register in SISU in advance! 

    • The exam opens on Fri 22.2. at 13.00 and closes at 16.00, which means you will have three hours to complete the exam. The exam material is provided in a separate PDF-file below. 

    • The exam opens on Fri 22.4. at 14.00 and closes at 17.00, which means you will have three hours to complete the exam. The exam material is provided in a separate PDF-file below.