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  • Home

    Welcome to the DOM-E5024 Introduction to Media Art and Culture (IMAC) course. From this site, you will find the schedule, assignments, course readings, videos and your study groups,. We will meet every day for three weeks, from Tuesday to Friday, between 9.15 - 12.00.

     Start date: Tuesday, 5th September, 09:00

    Location:  Zoom (link to the session room is in a Forum post)

    Teachers: Teemu Leinonen & Hanna Haaslahti

    > Slack Channel of the course
    • media culture title

      1. MASS MEDIA & MEDIA CULTURE (5.10. 9:00-)

      1. Introduction: My Course + assignments + assessment 
      2. Study groups and study topics
      3. Lecture: What is Media?
      4. Lecture: What is media culture? - How did we get here? 
      5.  Introduction to homework screening: Documentary - Can't Get You Out of My Head 2021 Part 4 by Adam Curtis (1.12).

      2. HYPERMEDIA, NEW MEDIA, FUTURE OF MEDIA  (6.10. 9:00-)

      1. Fishbowl discussion: 'Adam Curtis'.
      2. Lecture: Origins of the Internet and the WWW.
      3. Introduction to homework screening: The Social Dilemma (1.45). 

      3. MEDIA CULTURE: GLOBAL (7.10. 9:00-)

      1. Fishbowl discussion: 'Social Dilemma'.
      2. Lecture: Media Industries by Iida Hietala.
      3. Lecture: Geopolitics and media.
      4. Introduction to the homework reading: Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms, Differences and Relations by Francesca Ferrando. 

      3. MEDIA CULTURE: LOCAL (8.10. 9:00-)

      1. Fishbowl discussion: 'Humanism'.
      2. Lecture: Demoscene by Markku Reunanen (10:00-11:30).
      3. Feedback and status reports of the study groups.

      media cultue end

    • media art starts

      1. MEDIA ART AND ARTISTS 1 (12.10. 9:00-)

      1. Lecture : Introduction to media art
      Media archeology
      Early computer art & cybernetics
      Expanded cinema
      Interactive Art

      2. Introduction to Tuesday´s screening : White Cube (2021) by Renzo Martens

      2. MEDIA ART AND ARTISTS 2 (13.10. 9:00-)

      1. Screening at Cinema Orion https://cinemaorion.fi/
      White Cube (2021) by Renzo Martens
      the film starts at 9.15

      2. Fishbowl discussion: White Cube

      3. MEDIA ART AND ARTISTS 3 (14.10. 9:00-)

      1. Lecture : Politics of gaze and participation
      Surveillance/sousveillance, artist take on surveillance

      2. Screening : Manifest (2021) by Ane Hjort Guttu

      3. Fishbowl discussion

      4. MEDIA ART AND ARTISTS (15.10. 9.00-)

      1. Lecture : Virtual spaces of simulation
      Internet Art
      Screening : Parallel by Harun Farocki

      2. Lecture : Generative Art
      Neural networks and Artificial Intelligence in Art
      Immersive art, VR

      media art ends

    • our media starts

      1. STUDIO I (19.10. 9:00-)

      • Group work morning coffee at 9:00

      2. STUDIO II (20.10. 9:00-)

      • Group work morning coffee at 9:00

      3. STUDIO III (21.10. 9:00-)

      • Group work morning coffee at 9:00

      2. PRESENTATIONS II (22.10. 9:00-)

      • Your video essays + discussion

      Presentations (max. 30 min/ group)

      our media end

    • To this collaborative document you may anonymously write your feedback from the week 1.

    • To this collaborative document you may anonymously write your feedback from the week 2.

    • To this collaborative document you may anonymously write your feedback from the week 3.