Osion kuvaus

  • Homework Screenings

    Can't Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World, part 4  by Adam Curtis. 

    The Social Dilemma docudrama film by Jeff Orlowski. On Netflix. 

    If you do not have an access to the Netflix, you may watch this commentary video to the movie by Zubin Damania.


    This is a short lecture by Francesca Ferrando related to the homework reading.

    Media culture starts

    1. MASS MEDIA 

    BBC Radio 4 (2010): 'The Frankfurt School'-In Our Time 

    Marshall McLuhan (1960): The World is a Global Village 

    Marshall McLuhan (1977): The medium is the message 

    Woody Allen (1977): Woody Allen meets Marshall McLuhan 

    Jürgen Habermas (2005): Interview 

    Julia Kristeva (1998): On Linguistics 

    Donna Haraway (2003): From Cyborgs to Companion Species 

    Nancy Baym (2011): Making Friends with Fans 



    Douglas Engelbart (1968): The mother of all demos 

    Douglas Adams (1990): Hyperland 

    Richard Stallman (2013): Why is free software important? 

    Tim Berners-Lee (2012): How the world wide web just happened 

    Matt Kraft (2011): ARPANET - The team behind Internet 


    Berkman Center (2012): How Internet Censorship Works 

    Clay Shirky et.all. (2010) Social Media Revolution 

    Manuel Castells (2010): Network Theories of Power 

    Howard Rheingold (2010): Smartmobs Revisited 

    Zizi Papacharissi (2013): A Networked Self: Sociality, Publicity, and Privacy on Social Networking Sites 

    Eliane Glaser (2016): Post-Truth Politics - Sate of the Net 2016 

    Alison Klayman (2012):


    Apple (1984): Macintosh Commercial 

    Apple tablet concept video (1987): the Knowledge Navigator 

    Tom Patterson (2013): The Internet, Globalization and the Media Future 

    Lego Foundation (2016): Honoring Seymour Papert 

    Sonia Livingstone (2014): How children engage with the internet 

    Danah Boyd (2014): It's Complicated - The Social Lives Of Networked Teens 

    Ben Nimmo, Laura Jackson, Mark Laity & Peter Pomerantsev (2015): 21st Century Information War: How Should NATO and Democratic Governments Respond (interview) 

    Noam Chomsky (2016): Who rules the world now? 

    Rise of the Video Game (2007): Level 1 

    A Brief History of Video Games (2013):