DOM-E5043 - Physical Interaction Design D, Lecture, 23.11.2021-10.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 10.12.2021 Search Courses: DOM-E5043
Topic outline
------------------------------- WEEK 1------- w/ Robert Jack -------------------
Tue 23/12/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Introduction to Physical Interaction Design
- A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design by Bret Victor
- Interaction design handbook by Bill Verplank
- Principles for design Computer Music Controllers by Perry Cook
- Human Computer Interaction applied to musical projects
- Examples, introducing Bela
- What tools do we have available?
- Microcontrollers and embedded computers
- Sensors and actuators
- Bela
- Getting started with Bela
- Bela 101
- Building our first project and making our first sound
- Familiarising ourselves with the hardware and pin labelling
- Digital output
- LEDs
- Working with Pure Data and Bela
- Pure Data recap
- Patterns of flashing
- LEDs
- Digital input
- Button
- Receiving feedback: printing
- Debouncing
- Simple drum machine
- Button
- Analog input
- Potentiometer
- Handles and buttons, discrete and continuous control
- Treating analog sensors as audio rate signals
- Receiving feedback: printing, scope
- Potentiometer
Wed 24/11/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Variable resistance sensors:
- Pressure and light sensors
- Map and constrain
- Filtering sensors
- Using the differential of sensor signal to change its behaviour
- Controlling physical models
- Pressure and light sensors
- Controlling an FM synth with a pot, FSR and button:
- Creating abstractions on Bela
- Scope and look at waveform and FFT of sidebands
- Analog output
- Fading LEDs in time with an LFO
- Audio input
- Connecting Microphones
- Controlling a Delay effect
- Using audio as a control signal
- Feature extraction from audio input
Thu 25/11/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Audio input: piezo discs and karplus strong synthesis
- Building a virtual guitar
- Audio input: microphone capsules and sampling
- Building a sampler
- Capacitive sensing with Bela
- Conductive materials
- Reading from capacitive breakout board in Bela
- Introduction to velostat pressure sensors
- Sensor manufacture
- Signal treatment
Fri 26/11/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Communication with Bela
- Receiving MIDI
- Using Bela as a MIDI device
- Preparing projects for standalone operation
- Project ideas pitch ( 1min / student )
- Advanced topics:
- Using Pure Data in combination with c++
- Connecting Bela to wi-fi
------------------------------- WEEK 2--------- w/ J. Camilo Sanchez Carranco & Janne Ojala -----------------
Mon 29/11/2021 09:00 – 12:00
Workshop Facilities w/ Janne Ojala
Tue 30/11/2021 09:00 – 12:00
- Wekinator Machine Learning exercises – Types of algorithms and Wekinator.
- Classification Explorer
- Regression Explorer
- DTW Mouse Explorer
Wed 01/12/2021 09:00 – 12:00
- Project work and Tutoring
Thu 02/12/2021 09:00 – 12:00
- Project work and Tutoring
Fri 03/12/2021 09:00 – 12:00
- Project work and Tutoring
------------------------------- WEEK 3------------------ w/ J. Camilo Sanchez Carranco & Janne Ojala --------------
Tue 07/12/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Project work and Tutoring
Wed 08/12/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Project work and Tutoring
Thr 09/12/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Project work and Tutoring
Fri 10/12/2021 09:00 – 12:45
- Introduction to Physical Interaction Design