
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to the Department of Design! 

    This is an obligatory introduction course for all new Master's students. 

    This year the course is fully online via Zoom.

    --- The course has a pre-assignment, see below --- 


    • Professor: Pirjo Kääriäinen pirjo.kaariainen@aalto.fi
    • Teacher: Emilija Veselova emilija.veselova©aalto.fi
    • Teaching assistant: Shreya Sood shreya.sood@aalto.fi

    Workload: 2 ECTS is equal to a 54-hour workload
    Evaluation: pass / fail

    The evaluation is done based on the participation in contact teaching sessions and the contribution to individual and group tasks.

    Passing the course requires attending 80% of contact teaching sessions; you can miss one half-day. Absence during contact teaching may be made up by completing an assignment agreed upon with the teacher. Students unable to meet the required level of attendance (acceptable reasons are those exceptional circumstances such as health or residence issues), should contact the teacher as soon as possible in advance to explain the situation and discuss completion.


    The course has one pre-task and several individual and group tasks to be completed during the course. Tasks are described in detail in the Tasks section. Before the course starts, please complete the pre-assignment below. You can also start to read an article for Task 2 before the course.

    Pre-assignment (Task 1: Me as a designer) Based on your current knowledge and experience, write a 300-400-word statement on the future of design in general and your own design practice in the coming years.  First, briefly introduce your design background. Then answer some or all of these questions: What are the key elements of the future that you see?  How does design fit in this future? How do you see your design practice? What or who are you working with? What are you creating? Write the task as a coherent text. This is the first chapter of your learning diary to be submitted in MyCourses at the end of the course. 


    Some of the course tasks are based on course readings, you can find them in the Course Readings section. We suggest that your reading (see task 2)

    Zoom link

    The zoom link is visible to the students who have enrolled into the course. If you are having trouble accessing the link, please contact the course teachers.


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