Osion kuvaus

  • Important: these are the official course requirements. If something different is stated somewhere else, for example in the lecture slides, please believe this page. 

    10 lectures, 8 exercise sessions

    • lectures on Wednesdays at 12.15 – 14.00 
    • exercises on Fridays at 12.15 – 14.00 with EljasToepfer

    The attendance of the lectures or the exercises sessions is not compulsory. 2/3 of the exercise sessions are given in Otaniemi. Every third week, the exercise sessions will be organized online. 


    3 credit version: choose A or B

    • A: lectures, exercises, 1 assignment (CVA or HFT) and a light examination OR
    • B: lectures, exercises, and a heavier examination

    The final grade of version A is based on the assignment 50 % and the examination 50 %. The final grade of version B is based on the examination.

    5 credit version: lectures, exercises, two assignments (CVA (in groups or individually) AND HFT trading assignment (in groups), ) and a light examination

    The final grade is based on the HFT trading assignment 25 %, the CVA assignment 40 % and the examination 35 %.

    6 credit version: 5 credit version with additional written assignment/lecture diary


    Exercises, 8 sessions

    traditional exercises and computational exercises.

    We will consider

    • problems related to the theory of the lectures
    • problems related to Ito calculus
    • computational exercises are partly done with real data (Matlab, R, Python)


    Light examination 

    The aim is to check that you have read through the course material, in particular, the traditional exercises.  


    You can earn additional points for the examination by 

    • returning solutions for the computational exercises 1 and 3 (1-2 points/exercise week). The DL for exercise 1 is 1.4. The DL for exercise 3 is 13.4.
    • by writing a onepager on the Wilmott article: Where Quants go Wrong. This article is on the page Materials, folder Wilmott. The DL is 1.4. (the Dl was extended on 7.2.2022 to this new date) (1 point)
      • while writing, you can concentrate on some of the topics that you find interesting. There is no need to consider everything.