LC-1117 - Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o,w), Lecture, 1.11.2021-13.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 13.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-1117
Topic outline
(Hong Zhang [jennyzhh2008] Creative commons)
Welcome to LC-1117: integrated Oral and Written skills.
This course is integrated with ARTX-C1011 - Process Management for Media and Design and will run on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:15 to 12:00 in period II. The sessions will be held face-to-face in U262 (KPMG) in Otakaari 1.
Using some of the assignments in ARTX-C1011, you will learn to improve your written and spoken skills in English. We will examine topics such as how to create persuasive texts in English (the use of rhetorical patterns, maintaining logical flow and cohesion, choosing the correct style, targeting your audience) and how to give effective presentations: delivery, structure, audience expectations, speaking on camera (as you will be doing this online in period II, unfortunately). You will then apply this knowledge to a text in ARTX-C1011 (an executive summary) and your final course presentations.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to
•Write genre-specific texts (academic and professional)•Apply rhetorical patterns to texts and oral presentations•Create cohesive, reader-friendly texts that follow a logical pattern•Proofread texts for typical grammatical and punctuation errors.•Use sources appropriately and avoid plagiarism•Present persuasively and effectively in English.Course schedule: Click here for the course schedule and weighting of assignments. Note, three of the sessions will take place during ARTX-C1011.Grading:Executive summary 40%Final presentation 30%Course tasks and quizzes 30%Grade % of total points
5. 90 –100%
4. 80 –89%
3. 70 –79%
2. 60 –69%
1. 50 –59%
0. less than 50