Osion kuvaus

  • As we go - CHECK THIS

    As we go - CHECK THIS

    [Final edit: All good things must come to an end]

    Hello People,

    I have now closed the books on the course by grading you all “5” in the system and sending the grade list to teaching admin. I have no idea how they will archive the results (which should be pass/fail), but it doesn’t hurt to try.

    Your responses to the learning question (“Complete the sentence...”)  are now in MyCourses in a file titled “The most important thing I learned”. Check it out.

    And keep in contact with your classmates. You became quite a research community there. Keep it going.

    And you know where to find me if there is something you think I can help you with.

    It was a pleasure working with you all – I learned a lot. Thank you!

    To greatness and beyond!


    [Edit 7:]

    Hello People,

    I guess you all participated in the Doctoral Orientation event. If you have any observations to share with me, please feel free to do so.

    Keep sending me your questions. I have reminded the few of you who have not submitted their lecture 2 queries yet personally.

    The questions that I have received, with my answers, are in the Course materials -> Q&A after Matti’s lectures folder. Check them out! Pretty interesting stuff.

    Next week is Evaluation week, so there will be no session on 27 October.

    The reading for Johanna’s second guest lecture on Social constructivism (3 November):

    1. Longino: Values and objectivity

    2. Baert

    3. Pettit is an extra for those who are particularly interested

    Facilitation group 4, please identify your technical contact person and let me know.

    This is proceeding like a train. Thank you all, and let’s keep up the good work.

    To greatness and beyond!


    [Edit 6:]

    Hello People,

    1) Once again, thanks to Facilitation group 2 for an excellent show! Can you send me your slides and materials for inclusion in MyCourses, please?

    2) Still some questions from my first two lectures are missing. Please send them to me as soon as you have the time. I keep updating the Q&A folder.

    3) For my third lecture on next Wednesday I have a small reading assignment for you. In Course materials is my recent paper Doctrines and Dimensions of Justice. My lecture will be on sustainability and justice, and it will rely on the model of justice I introduce in the beginning of the paper. So, please read pages 188–193. And, of course, further, if you feel like it. :)

    To bestness and beyond!


    [Edit 5:]

    [A message before Lecture 2:]

    Hello People,

    Three things.

    1. I am still waiting for some of you to return your questions concerning our first session. Please send them as soon as you can. The idea is that you get my answers to them before our next session.

    2. Facilitation group 1 – Karelia, Ronja, Emilia, Outi, Martta – is, I hope hard at work to introduce positivism and preside over proceedings on Wednesday after my lecture. Your time slot will be about an hour. Please tell me by email which one(s) of you need to screenshare so that I can assign you co-host powers.

    3. All others should also warm up to the idea of positivism. There are questions in the Facilitation folder in Course Materials that you should take a look at. Then check out some simple source – Wikipedia will do – to be on the right wavelength.

    The facilitation info can be found here: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/mod/folder/view.php?id=778926

    Looking forward to your (missing) questions and seeing you all on Wednesday!

    Whistle while you work,


    [Edit 4:]

    (A message before Lecture 1:)

    Our first online lecture session is on Wednesday 29 September, starting at 14:30 and ending before 17:00 o’clock.

    You do not have to read any literature for the first lecture. Four things, however.

    First, I include the list of names and email addresses of all participants. Download it and file it neatly. You will need it when you contact each other in preparing your facilitation assignments.

    Secondly, we shall all introduce ourselves very briefly (absolutely no more than a minute per person) at the beginning of Wednesday’s session. You can, for instance, respond to these prompts: – Name – From – Studies and experience – Why in Aalto – Discipline, area, field – How far in doctoral studies – Course expectations.

    Thirdly, if you have not done so already, watch my seven-minute pitch:

    It will not give you an accurate picture of the course contents – it is an ad, after all – but it will give you an idea of what I am after.

    Fourthly, here is the join link to our permanent Zoom session:


    Hoping to see you all on Wednesday!

    Upward and onward!


    [Edit 3:]

    This course page is now completed and ready for your use.

    Please familiarise yourself with all the tabs on the left. If you do not see the nine tabs, click the three vertical lines at the top left corner. The lines will become horizontal and the tabs visible.

    The permanent join link for our "classroom" activities is here:


    The "classroom" activities take place entirely online. If, however, you wish to prepare your facilitation group works in person, you are welcome to do so, by your own arrangements and observing the university's safety instructions.

    We'll start the course on 22 September at 14:30 o'clock. This is the preliminary literature exam. It cannot be replaced by other activities, so be "there"! - "There" being at home, waiting for me to send you the questions by group email.

    You can find the instructions for the preliminary literary exam by scrolling down here and by opening the tab on the left.

    By 4 September, I can see 12 "acceptable" and 5 "unacceptable" registrations for the course. The admin are yet to instruct us how we can do the actual enrolment. Do not worry, though, I will sort that out in good time. And the ones who are "unacceptable" in the system now are probably quite acceptable when it comes down to it. It is just the administration with a new system making our lives easier. ;)

    [Edit 2:]

    The course page is now under construction. What I say below is valid but anything that you might find by clicking the tabs on the left can be dated and/or erroneous.

    I will notify you immediately when the page is completed. In the meantime, the info about the Preliminary Exam below is valid. Please bear with me. And check out the ad video. :)

    [Edit 1:]

    My work in preparing the online content has been slightly delayed, but I will get to it as soon as I can. Please bear with me. In the meantime, three things.

    (1) Due to the Doctoral Program’s Orientation Day on Friday 17 September, the first session of the course is on Wednesday 22 September at 14:30–17:00 o’clock. The enrolment closes a day before that.

    (2) On the Orientation Day, I will advertise the course in a 7-minute presentation. It will be exaggerated and probably misportray the course’s content, but that’s advertising for you. If you are interested, you can already enjoy the pitch here: 


    (3) Your first task for the course remains the same. Familiarise yourself with John Stuart Mill’s Logic of the Moral Sciences. The preliminary exam on 22 September will be on that. Details below.

    [My original August message:]

    Thank you for thinking about this course. I hope that you will participate. Before the details come online, there are


    1) The title of the course says “Luento-opetus”, i.e. “Lecturing”. Don’t be fooled by that. The course will be taught ENTIRELY ONLINE. So online lecturing, among other things, but there will be no contact teaching at the campus.

    2) The FULL CONTENTS will appear in this space by the end of August the latest. Maybe earlier. Stay tuned and keep checking.

    3) The FIRST LECTURE is announced to be on 15 September but it MAY be postponed by a week, to 22 September. If this happens, it is to let people enroll after the Doctoral Programme Orientation Event (which is on the 17th).

    4) YOUR FIRST TASK for the first session of the course, whatever the date, is, however, set. It is to prepare for the PRELIMINARY LITERATURE EXAM, and you can start already. Details below.

    Preliminary literature exam on Wednesday 15 September OR Wednesday 22 September at 14:30-17:00.

    Assessment: Pass / Fail. This exam cannot be compensated by other assignments.

    Literature: John Stuart Mill, On The Logic of the Moral Sciences (also known as A System of Logic, Book VI; the eight edition of 1872 is preferable). You can access the book here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/27942/27942-h/27942-h.html#toc127

    Questions: Questions will test your understanding of the main points of each chapter. You will answer two of three stated questions.

    Aids: Literature, notes, and internet searches are allowed during the exam.

    Turning in your results: Once completed, send your answers by email to: matti.hayry@aalto.fi

    Enjoy your preparations! Hoping to “see” you on the course.

    Onward and upward!
