Osion kuvaus

  • General information

    The number of students participating the course is limited to 20 because of the limited lab space. Priority is give to those students who has this course as a compulsory course in their studies. The course consists of lectures, exercises, literature research, a seminar work with report & presentation, and two laboratory works with reports. All the assignments are compulsory and they affect the appraisal and the grade.

    As a course book "Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion" edited by Ru-Shi Liu, Lei Zhang, Xueliang Sun,Hansan Liu, and Jiujun Zhang is used. It is available as an e-book at the Aalto University library. Following Chapter will be covered:

    2 Electrochemical Engineering Fundamentals in Lecture I

    3 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries

    7 Liquid Redox Rechargeable Batteries

    8 Electrochemical Supercapacitors

    9 Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Generationin

    11 Solar Cell as an Energy Harvesting Device

    13 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells


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      Tentative Schedule Tiedosto
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      Lithium Ion Lab work-Online Verkko-osoite
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