Topic outline

    • Folder icon
      Basic in silico tool exercises Folder
      Not available unless any of:
      • You are a(n) Student
      • You are a(n) Teacher
      • You are a(n) Advanced teacher

      These exercises don´t have to be submitted but make sure that you complete the exercises and that you understand the basics of these tools.

    • Assignment icon
      DNA Atlas plasmids Assignment
      Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
    • Please write reports where you answer the remote work questions and summarize the findings of the practical work.You don´t need to use any specific report template but you can use e.g. the common CHEM template. Please write the report with your lab partner, only one person from each pair needs to submit the file.

      The remote work questions can be answered in a short way with bullet points. If you have questions, we can discuss during the laboratory work or just send an email to .

      The summaries of your practical work can be kept short, but please take care of proper results presentation, interpretation, and discussion of potential mistakes.

      Suggestion for the structure:

      a)      Aim (Why was the experiment performed?)

      b)      Method (What was done? You can link to this manual and mention possible changes.)

      c)      Result presentation (If possible, show figures and make sure that the reader has all the relevant information to understand the figure.)

      d)      Interpretation & Discussion (What do these results mean? Was the aim reached? If the experiment failed, please speculate about reasons and possible changes.)

      In file naming, please include your last names, e.g. Biolab1_report_part1_Viskari.

    • Assignment icon
      Self and group assessment Assignment
      Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      Please fill in this short assessment file. You can answer in English or in Finnish. This is an individual assessment so do it on your own, not with your pair.

      Naturally, this assessment will not be graded but you will get your final grade only if you have returned the assessment file.