
  • Home page

    Welcome to ELEC-E8408

    General schedule:

    The course starts: 14/01/2022

    The course ends: 25/03/2022


    Lectures are delivered online.

    Mondays: 10:15 - 11:45

    Fridays: 10:15 - 11:45 (Exercise session 11:00 11:45)

    Attention: The Zoom meeting launcher was updated, if needed, use the following passcode: ESD2022

    Grading criteria:

    10% Exercises - 40% Miniproject - 50% exam

    Each activity is graded on a scale of 0-100 points.

    Find the contents on the left bar (Materials, Exercises, Miniproject)

    Lecturer: Dr. Udayanto Dwi Atmojo (udayanto.atmojo(at)aalto.fi)

    Teaching assistants: Tuojian Lyu (tuojian.lyu(at)aalto.fi), Mikhail Kolesnikov (mikhail.kolesnikov(at)aalto.fi)