Topic outline

  • General

    The first lecture will be held on Wednesday 12.01.2022, at 12.15 - 14.00. All the lectures and exercises will be organized as distance learning session over the internet (zoom). The links to the zoom sessions are below.

    Zoom link for the lectures and exercise sessions:

    Workload: Online lectures and exercise sessions 42 h, independent studies and assignments 72 h, revision 18 h, exam 3h.

    Learning outcomes: The fundamentals of finite element analysis (FEM / FEA), especially in the scope of modelling electric machines.

    Contents: Typical workflow for general numerical analysis. Problem formulations in electromagnetics, and their solution via FEM. Modelling circuit connections and motion, and post-processing the results for torque, losses, etc. Introduction to 3D problems and topical challenges on the field.

    Assessment: Exam and assignments. There are two options to pass the course.

    Option 1 (recommended): Exam (50%) + Assignments(2 x 20%) + Participation in lectures/exercises (10%)

    Option 2: Exam (100%) + Assignments (accepted)

    Study material: lecture slides + supplementary material

    Prequisites: ELEC-E8407 Electromechanics and ELEC-E8405 Electric Drives or equivalent knowledge.

    Language: English

    Lectures: Ismet Tuna Gürbüz (

    Exercises: Md Masum Billah (