Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The review of group work reports has finished.

    • You can still download the reports from: Group work reports for review


    The course will be taught remotely, with an option to attend in-class exercise sessions. Lectures are pre-recorded and will be made available on every Wednesday morning. Assignments will also be published on Wednesdays. For more details, including grading, see the slides of the first live lecture. For communication with the course staff, we recommend using Slack, see the link below.

    In addition to the pre-recorded and reading material, we have the following live teaching sessions:

    • Weekly live lecture (or rather a discussion session) on Wednesdays at 10:15: General announcements, review of the topics of the last week, and introduction to the exercises of the next week. Zoom link: Lecture room (the same meeting room is used for all sessions).
    • Exercise sessions are arranged as personal zoom meetings. You can book a time if you have any questions about the assignments. It can be either some specific question / problem that you are working on or if you are just stuck with something and don't know how to proceed. You can book a meeting here: Book an instruction session
    • Optionally, you can attend physical exercise sessions every Thursday and Monday at 16:15 in Luentosali 1 (Otakaari 3).
    • Help for doing exercise problems is available on Slack

    Attendance to the live sessions is optional but recommended.

    Lecture videos, assignments and other study material can be found here:

    Week 1

    Week 2

    Week 3

    Week 4

    Week 5

    Group work

    Groups of 4 students write a report of approximately 10 pages about a biomedical device/technique. The list of topics and a group choice form can be found here: Group selection

    • Group work report instructions

    Equipment for exercises:

    Exercises 2 and 4 require some measurement equipment. You can come to collect them from Otakaari 3. If you are not able to come to the campus, we can mail them to you. Fill a form here before 4 November 18h: Equipment pick up/mailing

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Slack Verkko-osoite

      Slack workspace for Biomedical Instrumentation 2021

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Lecture room Verkko-osoite

      A recurring zoom meeting for live lectures every Wednesday at 10:15 until 3.12.2021