Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the Number Theory course!

    The course will take place in an online format. The first exercise session won't take place as it is before any lectures. Instead, please use some time to read the first two chapters of Stein's book (see Materials). We will be rather speedy when going through these chapters on the first lectures, as Chapter 4 is our ultimate major goal. Reading these chapters on your own is particularly important, if you haven't taken a course in Discrete Mathematics or Abstract Algebra.

    The course consists of ~4 weeks of regular lectures, exercise sessions, and homework. During the last 2-3 weeks, the students will do individual projects (can also be done in pairs), and will present their project during the last course week (and/or exam week). The final grade is based on homework grades and project grade, and a passing grade is needed from both parts. We will discuss the course practices in detail during the first lecture (see slides under Material).

    ***There is no mandatory attendance on the lecture or exercise Zoom sessions, though it is strongly recommended. However, it is important to participate the first lecture. For the project presentations attendance is mandatory in all sessions. ***

    Slides and Zoom recordings will be published under Materials after some editing delay.

    Lecturer: Camilla Hollanti

    Teaching assistant: Rahinatou Njah

    Project supervision: Rahinatou Njah and Diego Villamizar

    Zoom link for the lectures, exercise and project sessions: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/68230513711

    Zulip link for questions/peer interactions :


    Doodle for presentation times (deadline 19.12.): https://doodle.com/poll/ywevu59g2azvhmmf?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link

    Google sheet for choosing your project topic (deadline 19.12.) and assigned presentation slots: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXixkz5p_PfNxtYArR7J3B5l9cVvCfobqemOYT62z28/edit?usp=sharing