ELEC-E3260 - Biomolecules D, Lecture, 11.1.2022-24.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 24.02.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E3260
In this course you are going to learn about spectroscopic and microscopic techniques which can be used to analyse biomolecules samples. During this course we will study different instruments (i.e., principles, instrumentation, what can be analised ? How ? and data analysis). At the end of this course you will have enough knowledge and understanding to analyse biomolecules samples.
- There will be NO EXAM FOR THE COURSE
- The course will be held online with the following link : https://aalto.zoom.us/j/65842990408 . (Please note that this is a recurrent meeting, so this link will be valid throughout the course, no new link will be sent).
- For any information on the course and MyCourse page, or if you are encountering any problem with MC space, please contact Ornella LAOUADI; ornella.laouadi@aalto.fi
- Remember that in order to participate in this course, you have to register in Sisu: https://sisu.aalto.fi/student/courseunit/aalto-OPINKOHD-1121509653-20210801/brochure