ELEC-E4210 - Introduction to space, Lecture, 13.9.2021-14.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 14.12.2021 Search Courses: ELEC-E4210
Topic outline
1. Assignment (21.9.)
2. Assignment (28.9.)
3. Assignment (5.10.)
Preliminary work for the lecture 11.10. (coordinate systems and time) Page
Preliminary work for the lecture. Will not be graded, but you are strongly encouraged to do them!
4. Assignment 12.10. (Coordinate systems and time)
7a. Assignment: Emission mechanisms, assignment 1 (videos 1-3) Quiz
7b. Assignment: Emission mechanisms, assignment 2 (videos 3-4) Quiz
7c. Assignment: Emission mechanisms, assignment 3 (videos 4-8) Quiz
8. Assignment. Galactic Astronomy I DL 30.11.2021 @ 12:15
9. Assignment. Galactic Astronomy II DL 07.12.2021 @ 12:15