Topic outline

  • The evaluation and grading criteria of the course are presented below. Approximately 50% of the points in each part of the course are required for passing the course. The final grade is based on the total number of points (100).

    ----------------    First part of the course    -----------------

    Evaluation is based on these two individual contributions:

    • assignments (5 assignments, max 6 points per assignments => max 30 points; 60% of the total grade from Part I)
    • the final assignment (max 20 points; 40% of the total grade from Part I)

    The maximum number of points for the first part is 50. Approximately 50% of points are required for passing the course.

    Assignments are mostly data analysis of  space instruments and descriptions of how the used instruments work. The assignment will be given on Wednesdays by 12:00 (noon) and they must be returned to MyCourses by Friday next week at 12:00.

    Based on the criteria given in model answers, you will grade, by yourself, your own assignments, during the next week after the submission deadline. You submit your grading by adding a comment to your submission in the following format, containing the total number of points (SELFGRADE), followed by how many points you got from each task. After that you can add free-form feedback, especially if you didn't understand something either in the exercise or the model answers.Please note that the teacher will finally decide how many points you get, i.e. you may get finally less (or more!) points as your self-grading points are.

    ***Example self-grading comment***

    SELFGRADE: Total 4.5 points

    Task 1: 2.5 points:

          - Task 1.1:  1 point

          - Task 1.2:  1.5 points

    Task 2: 2.0 points:

          - Task 2.1:  1 point

          - Task 2.2:  1 point

    I didn't understand what was meant in Task 1.2., so I couldn't finish it. After reading the model solution it dawned on me that I was just misreading the task.

    In Task 2, I got all requirements correctly to get the points, but I noticed something weird in how I derived instrument’s geometrical factor.

    ***End of example***

    The final assignment is the last assignment which is a comprehensive work based on the five short assignments. It will be a summary work based on the expertise obtained and topics analyzed at individual specific assignments.

    --------------    Second part of the course   -------------

    Evaluation is based on the following:

    • assignments
    • project work, project plan and report.
    • self/peer-assessment.

    In addition to three weekly assignments, students work on a project. They write a project plan and report. The report should include a brief introduction and background section, the main findings and conclusions, and particularly the arguments why certain solutions were chosen. Detailed instructions for the reports (and plans) are given later. In peer-assessment the student reads a number of project reports written by other students and evaluates them (instructions will follow later).

    The maximum number of points for the second part is 50 according to the following table. All contributions must be completed, and approximately 50% of points are required for passing the course.

    Student contribution
    Points Comments
    Assignments 3 x 5  = 15 in total 
    3 assignments, maximum of 5 points each.
    Project plan
    Project report

    Self/Peer-assessment 5
    Points are given for the quality of the assessment.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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