ELEC-E4430 - Microwave Engineering II D, Lecture, 21.3.2022-2.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 02.06.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E4430
In the last part of the course you design a Doppler radar. You have designed most parts/components of the radar circuit in the homework exercises. In the final project work you integrate those components and fine-tune them, and finally verify in AWR that the complete radar circuit operates as desired. The project work may be done either individually or in pairs. More instructions are found in the attachment below.
You can get your own student license for AWR (only for Aalto students)!The AWR Desing Environment is available in both PC classes in the TUAS building (TU4&AS5), and in Maarintalo PC class "Maari-E".
Fig. Illustration of a possible radar circuit. The use of commercial amplifiers is optional e.g. if your oscillator power level is too low or the mixer conversion loss too high for a reasonable radar range. The ADC at the end of the green signal line is given (NI MyDAC), see its measured noise floor below.
Introduction to the radar project Fil PDF
Lecture slides of the first contact-session on March 21, 2022.
Uppladdad 2022-03-21 10:26 -
Radar project instructions Fil PDF
Read and follow these project instructions carefully
594.7 KB Uppladdad 2022-05-12 10:26 -
Final project presentation Inlämningsuppgift
Please upload your final presentation slides here. The overall assignment will be assessed during the final project seminar, i.e. through your seminar presentation (on MOnday, May, 30, 2022, starting at 10:15 in OIH A113, as usual). Everyone presents his or her own radar in 5 min.! Also, everyone acts as an ”opponent” for a fellow student once.
Observations by the customer's technical expert Kunskapstest
Measured noise floor of the ADC (MyDAC) Fil PNG
For your radar range calculations, you can assume the receiver sensitivity at the detector (for the IF signal) to be around -110 dBm.
Mini-Circuits' components Mapp
For the radar circuit components that you cannot succeed to design, you can use (as a backup) commercially-available components from Mini-Circuits in the Doppler radar. The available components are: voltage-controlled oscillator (ZX95-2150VW), mixer (ZX05-C24LH), and there are also the low-noise amplifier (ZRL-3500) and broadband amplifier (ZX60-3018G+) that you may use in the final radar circuit. You find specs sheets of all these components in this folder (remember: you do not design the optional amplifiers in this course!).
Addtional Instructions for Radar Project Fil PDF
The PDF file includes instuctions on how to perform radar system simulations in AWR.