ELEC-E4440 - Microwave Engineering Workshop D, Lecture, 13.9.2021-20.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 20.12.2021 Search Courses: ELEC-E4440
Contact sessions
Sessions are held on Mondays at 12:15 - 2 p.m.. Sessions are organised according to Aalto's latest instructions, either in OIH A113 "Sim Lab" in hybrid mode (on-site+online), or then exclusively online in Zoom. The PCB workshops and measurements labs are done in ELE department, Maarintie 8.
In some course activities your learning benefits from being present in class. Some sessions are therefore organised on-site, with health-safety measures in place according to Aalto guidelines. This applies to the first four sessions of the course (see Course Schedule). There is anyway the option to join through Zoom if needed. Please inform the teacher a day in advance if you cannot join on-site and need the Zoom option. All the labs, however, can only be carried out on-site, for obvious reasons.
Teacher team
Univ. Lect. Clemens Icheln, Sen. Univ. Lect. Juha Mallat, as well as Veli-Pekka Kutinlahti and Riku Kormilainen as course assistants.
This course requires students to have passed both ELEC-E4420 and ELEC-E4430 in order to achieve the learning goals of this course with the given workload allocation corresponding to 5 ECTS. Lack of some pre-requisites means a student needs to independently study more in order to pass this course (see The basics section).
Learning outcomes
- After the course, an average student (grade 3) can outline the basic operation of generic microwave electronic circuits, design practical microwave electronic circuits for a given desired functionality, analyse the basic factors that
affect the performance of microwave circuits, and test experimentally the performance of a given or any own microwave circuit/device.
Students will have had the opportunity to improve their presentation skills, group-working skills, documentation skills, and problem solving skills.
Course literature
see separate Course books sectionCourse content
- System-level design and evaluation of microwave devices, also considering noise and non-linearity.
- Design of active microwave circuits such as a radio transceiver, as well as experimental evaluation of a prototype, including basic network analysis (i.e. of scattering-parameters) through vector-network-analyser (VNA) measurements.
- Microwave measurement metrology, for spectrum analysis, network analysis, power and noise measurements, and other applications.
Principles of the teaching
- We will use the "flipped classroom" principle, i.e. you read the book chapters before they are handled in class and there will be online quizzes at the beginning of some of the lessons to verify how well students understood
the book chapter, followed by discussions.
- The course consists of 5 main topics, including the final project: see the subpages of each topic. Each subpage contains lecture slides and some background material.
- 5 ECTS, i.e.
- 15 x 2 hours = 30 hours of contact teaching (in Zoom)
- 50 hours of independent studies, average 2-3 hours per week
- 55 hours of project work, average 3 hours per week
- The given number of hours for students' work is only indicative. It is subject to e.g. pre-knowledge and skills of a student (see pre-requisites).
Communication and news
The main forums for the communication and information are the contact sessions and the top-level News forum on this MyCourses course page. Registered students get these news as an e-mail. All important information will be published in the News forum.
The students' questions should be addressed during the lessons or in the general discussion forum in MyCourses. This is because the same question is very likely interesting for the other students, too!
If you have a personal question that you cannot ask during lessons, you can send an e-mail to one of the teachers.
The course is graded 0-5, based on the following assessment methods (for each "sub-grade", the weight in the final course grade is given in %). There are no compulsory parts. There is no make-up exam nor any additional assessment possibility!
- Lesson tests (35 %): Students take four lesson tests/quizzes distributed over the course duration. One lesson test take approximately 40 minutes. Presence in class or in Zoom lecture is required to have the online quizzes fully graded. The three best results will be counted into this sub-grade (so you can skip/fail one lesson test without affecting your chances for the best possible total "lesson-tests" grade).
- Group assignment (10 %): A
small RF circuit design project related to RF instrumentation, including a seminar presentation.
- Project work (40 %): Related to the project, students return three learning diaries that are assessed (10%). The project presentation (in Zoom) contributes most to this sub-grade (30%), because this presentation is one key evidence of the student’s success in reaching this course’s learning goals.
- Final
quiz (15%): The final quiz at the end of the course follows the same online format as lesson tests but is a bit more extensive. The aim is to assess students' overall comprehension
of the course contents.
- After the course, an average student (grade 3) can outline the basic operation of generic microwave electronic circuits, design practical microwave electronic circuits for a given desired functionality, analyse the basic factors that
affect the performance of microwave circuits, and test experimentally the performance of a given or any own microwave circuit/device.