Osion kuvaus

  • A special type of power measurements are noise measurements, which are essential in determining e.g. the sensitivity or the dynamic range of a microwave circuit.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Lesson test #4 Quiz -tehtävä

      The 4th lesson test is on the topic Noise measurements.

      Prepare for this test by reading Chapter 10 (p. 240-275) in the main course book. First, the book describes noise figure characterization fundamentals including some main techniques, and then goes on to also practical challenges. Finally it presents the more advanced topic of mixer noise characterization. Chapter 8 in the second text book can be used as a supplement, but it takes a different approach.

      Main focus for our course is in the fundamentals and also the practical methods - we will study some of these in practice after the lesson test (individual part, in the beginning of the session - N.B.: group lesson test is skipped for this noise session) . Of course, it is good to have also some idea of the complications in mixer noise measurements, especially in view of radio engineering. Anyway, in practice one should always briefly consult (again) literature if one needs to perform a mixer noise characterization. Some typical matters to always pay attention to regarding noise characterization are such as getting a proper reference for noise power; noise figure or noise factor definition, calculation, and measurement; what is affecting noise and where it is most important etc.

      This lesson test is held on November 29 October 18, 2021, available within the time window of about 12:15 - 12:35 p.m.

      This time, answer all the questions individually within 10 minutes + a bonus minute. (There is no separate group round later.) Please, notice that, depending on your usual answering pace, you may have to be relatively quick in considering each of the 10 items presented in the quiz.

      Rules (these rules are repeated in the start of the quiz page):

      There are 10 statements related to noise. Please, mark the ONLY those that you think are CORRECT statements.

      Should you happen to mark some wrong statements, then this will reduce your result accordingly. (Anyway, the minimum limit for total will be set to 0, not negative).

      All statements have an equal weight in counting the overall result.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Noise Slides Tiedosto PDF