ELEC-E4720 - Advanced Circuit Theory D, Lecture, 3.3.2022-2.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 02.06.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E4720
The course starts in period IV. Welcome!
Teaching is organized on Thursdays in afternoon workshop where we go through both theory and exercises.Content and Schedule Date Topic 3rd March 1 Basics and definitions 10th March 2 Realization of LC driving-point functions 17th March 3 RC and RL circuits 24th March 4 Positive real functions and realizability 31st March 5 Systematic network synthesis (reductions) 7th April 6 Realization of a two port 14th April no teaching (exam week) 21st April 7 Scattering parameters 28th April 8 Filter approximations 5th May 9 Transmission line filter 12th May 10 Wideband impedance matching 19th May EXAM
26th May no teaching (helatorstai/holiday) 2nd June no teaching
Assessment: Weekly assignments 40 points and exam 60 points
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