Osion kuvaus

  • Open-book, online exam using MyCourses with webcam open using the zoom-link as for lectures. Answers returned as text-files through MyCourses, one file per question.

    Allowed to use during the exam:

    • Any material provided on course as well as internet sources, search engines and tools.
    • Any software such as Matlab, Mathematica, Python, Word Processing, Turbo Pascal, Excel, Fortran etc. Most likely these are however of not useful for you.

    Not allowed during the exam:

    • Collaboration of any kind during the exam is not allowed. All answers must be 100% personal.
    • Copy-pasting is not allowed. Every word and formula must be written personally.
      • Exception: You are allowed to copy pictures and images from the net to your answer if their license allows reuse. Note however that then we cannot grade the picture, but will only assess the textual description of that picture. I am however not convinced that this would be a useful approach in the sense that you'd have to spend time on making sure that the license allows reuse. Therefore, my recommendation is that you draw also your own pictures.

    With great freedom comes great responsibility. Even the smallest indications of cheating will be reported and investigated. We will use both cheating-detection tools such as Turnitin and manual checking to detect cheating.

    The accepted file formats are: Microsoft Word® (.doc/.docx), OpenOffice Text (.odt), WordPerfect®  (.wpd), PostScript (.ps/.eps), HTML, Rich text format (.rtf), Plain text (.txt), Adobe® PDF.

    Preparation before exam

    • Make sure you have access to all material that you think you will need.
    • Choose the editor/environment with which you want to write your answers and check that you can output files in one of the accepted formats. Notice that you need to submit one file per question. If you need to do a drawing or schematic, how would you achieve that quickly? Double-check the file format requirements.
    • Check and double-check the schedule. The regular exam in fall 2021 is on 25.10 from 09:00 to 12:00 (Helsinki Time).

    • Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon
      Example of how submission of answers will look like (practice only!) Turnitin Tehtävä 2
    • Sivu icon
      Exam questions for 17.1.2022 Sivu
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut mihin tahansa ryhmään
      Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon
      Submission of answer for Exam on 17.1.2022 Turnitin Tehtävä 2
    • Sivu icon
      Exam questions for 8.11.2021 Sivu
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään KT01 (SISU)
      Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon
      Submission of answer for Exam on 8.11.2021 Turnitin Tehtävä 2
    • Sivu icon
      Exam questions for 25.10.2021 Sivu
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään KT01 (SISU)
      Turnitin Tehtävä 2 icon
      Submission of answer for Exam on 25.10.2021 Turnitin Tehtävä 2