Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Course starts on Wednesday 15th September at 8:15 with an introduction lecture about logistics of the course on Zoom.

    From that on lectures are at the normal times every week. Two 2-hour lectures (8:15-10 and 10:15-12) in the normal schedule.

    Weekly exercise sessions are on Thursdays on selected weeks and are mandatory and contribute to your final grade. There will be 2-hour sessions: register for the one most suitable to you.  The weekly exercises prepare you for the final assignment.

    Course has Zulip workspace for discussion, help, and feedback.

    • Q: I cannot make every week to the same exercise session.
    • A: Register to the session you most frequently can participate. On other weeks you can come to another session, there is most likely room.

    • Sivu icon

      Information how to complete course (~ slides from introduction lecture)

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Select a suitable time for the exercise here.

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Select a suitable time for the Monday exercise here (can be different from your Thursday selection).

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Select a suitable time for the Final Assignment Review here. (Available from 23rd Nov. at Noon.)

    • Kansio icon
      Guidelines for Assignments Kansio

      Some basic guidelines to complete the exercises