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      -Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks

      Read through Howard's email (attached). Starbucks has established a presence in Finland but seems to be having difficulties gaining traction in arguably one of the world's highest per capita coffee consuming nations on earth! Howard is interested in hearing any ideas that enhance the experience for consumers and that make business sense for the company. 

      Prepare a presentation for Howard assuming you have 5 minutes max AND a succinct 1 page memo summarising your ideas and how you went about exploring the challenge. IF YOU ARE NOT PRESENTING TO THE CLASS ON THE 18TH, SUBMIT A VIDEO OF YOUR PRESENTATION + 1 PAGE MEMO. 


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      If you were not one of the presenters on stage, submit detailed and thoughtful critiques on any two (2) of the presentations of no more than one page each. Only put the name of the individual presenting on each critique. THESE BLIND CRITIQUES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE PRESENTERS.

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      Download a copy of Sara Sarasvathy's article "What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial?". Based on insights from reading through the substantial resources provided in the course web, write a reflective essay to support the answer "because they embrace design thinking" to the question posed by Saras.

      Word Limit 2000

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      Starbucks Presentations Kansio

      here are the presentations from which you are to submit blind critiques on any 2 of your choice.