Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen




    There is NO LECTURE/WORKSHOP on WED 30.3.2022. 

    Group project presentations (opponent group in parentheses)*:

    MON 4.4.2022 10:15-12:00

    1. Group 2 – Aspholm et al. (OPPONENT:  Group 6 – Pekkanen et al.)

    2. Group 3 – Schnur et al. (OPPONENT: Group 1 – Limnell et al.)

    3. Group 6 – Pekkanen et al. (OPPONENT: Group 4 - Sundell et al.)

    4. Group 1 – Limnell et al. (OPPONENT: Group 3 – Schnur et al..)

    WED 6.4.2022 10:15-12:00

    1. Group 7 - Brosseau et al. (OPPONENT: Group 5 - Peetawattanakul et al.)

    2. Group 5 - Peetawattanakul et al. (OPPONENT: Group 2 – Aspholm et al.)

    3. Group 4 - Sundell et al. (OPPONENT: Group 7 - Brosseau et al.)

    4. Feedback, summary & Take-home exam instructions - Huhtala

    *Order randomized by using Pretty Random RNG -app.

    Course content

    This course focuses on the state of the art of Customer Experience Management. Students will (1) understand the challenges for marketing managers in in the multimedia and omni-channel environment and the resulting need for the management of customer experiences, (2) learn in which context and how customer experience management can be effectively applied to solve these challenges, (3) know how customer experience management relates to further marketing activities along the customer journey,  (4) learn the fundamentals and the tools of designing and delivering superior customer experiences, (5) learn how to assess and quantify customer experiences and their effect on related marketing outcomes and (6) apply their knowledge to case studies and managerial problems to foster managerial skills.

    Based on a general assessment of the concept, the course will center around specific topics and practical tools that relate to the need, the assessment, the creation and the implementation of customer experience management.

    Assessment & grading

    Grading is based on a 0-5 scale. The assessment will be on the following criteria:

    • Participation (10%, individual grading)
    • Group project i.e. case study (60%, group grading)
    • Take home Exam (30%, individual grading)


    Participation (10%, indivudal grading):

    Personal Attendance Sheet (shared in the first session available now online) is used for self-assessing the class participation. 

    For each session, students are expected to mark down their contributions to class discussion (e.g. “I made the comment of X”), and suggest a grade to themselves (1-5).

    Send your Attendance Sheet at the end of the course (after the final session) via email (juho-petteri.huhtala@aalto.fi).

    Group project (60%, group grading)

    The group project consist of an in-class presentation of 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A) and management report (consulting-slide presentation format; max. 20 slides). Groups will have approximately 5 members. Further information on the topic and deliverables will be given in the Session 3 (i.e. Customer Personas).

    Presentation deadline: 3.4.2022 23:59 (UTC+2)

    Management report deadline: 17.4.2022 23:59 (UTC+2) EXTENDED DEADLINE: 19.4.2022 23:59

    Take home Exam (30%, individual grading)

    Take home Exam is an individual report which consist of a customer experience assessment of an assigned case. The assignment will be specified and given to the students during the course.

    Take home exam deadline: 24.4.2022 23:59 (UTC+2)

    Management report, presentation and written assignment are to be handed-in via email to: juho-petteri.huhtala@aalto.fi

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L02 (SISU)
      Kansio icon
      Take home exam instructions & materials Kansio
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L02 (SISU)
      Keskustelualue icon
      General Keskustelualue
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L02 (SISU)
      Tiedosto icon
      Attendance sheet Tiedosto XLSX
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L02 (SISU)
      Ryhmävalinta icon
      Group choice - Group project (60%) Ryhmävalinta
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään L02 (SISU)
      Tiedosto icon
      Group project instructions Tiedosto PDF