Topic outline

    • Turnitin Assignment 2 icon

      Return box for the exam (exam sheet will be available separately in Assignments at exam time)

      This is an open-book exam, meaning you can use the course material and other sources. However, you still need to adhere to good academic practice; for example, you cannot copy text from sources or present someone else's text or images as your own. Please do not use copy-paste even for short fragments of text. If you use quotes or figures from external material, the source must be appropriately and accurately indicated.

      Remember to write full paragraphs instead of lists. You will mostly likely not be able to capture the level of detail required for full points in just a few short paragraphs.

    • Page icon

      Instructions for writing learning diary blogs

    • Group choice icon

      The learning diary blogs are written in groups of two or three. Pick your group here. If you don't have one yet, you can use the Blog groups forum to find one.

    • Forum icon

      The learning diary blogs are written in groups of two or three. If you don't have a group yet, you can use this forum to find one.

    • Assignment icon

      Once your group has created a blog, report its address (the main page, not the individual posts) to the assistants here. The reported blogs will be listed in section For Aalto users. Feel free to read other groups' blogs and comment on anything you find interesting in them.

      Note that if new members are added to you group, you will need to resubmit the address. Otherwise the new members will not get points for the blog posts.

    • Assignment icon

      Exercise sheet and return box for exercise 1

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Exercise 2 Assignment

      Exercise sheet and return box for exercise 2. A separate self-quiz task (question 3) will be published here before the exercise session.

    • Quiz icon

      The self-quiz task (question 3) of Exercise 2

    • Assignment icon

      Exercise sheet and return box for exercise 3

    • Assignment icon

      Exercise sheet (4 pages), Python scripts, and return box for exercise 4

    • Assignment icon

      Exercise sheet and return box for exercise 5