
  • Allmänt

    The course is organized in period II, 2.11.-14.12.2021.

    Six weeks of lectures are are organized on Tuesdays, 14:15-16:00 remotely via Zoom. Please find link to Zoom on MyCourses.

    Six weeks of exercise sessions will be organized in A046 (Bachelor building).

    First exercise group is on Wednesdays 14:15-16, This session will be broadcasted via Zoom and recorded.

    If necessary, a second exercise group is on Wednesdays 16:15-18.

    Please answer a survey on MyCourses about which excercise groups or Zoom session suit you
    so that we can determine if second exercise group is needed.

    • Kunskapstest icon

      Total points for the examination: 50

      This is an ‘open-book’ exam with 20 questions including 13 multi-choice questions. You may use course material, Excel and Solver when answering the questions, but you may not consult other people.

      In textual answers, use your own words. Do not cut and paste answers from course material or elsewhere.

      The examination includes 13 multi-choice questions. The multi-choice questions have a single correct answer unless stated otherwise. The correct answer gives 1 point and the incorrect answer gives -0.5 points

      In numerical questions, relative tolerance is 0.01 unless stated otherwise. You need to provide at least three significant digits to reach this accuracy, e.g. 0.0123 because leading zeroes are not significant. 

      The exam time is 3 hours. When you are done, submit your answers. Please submit only once. When the time runs out, your open attempt is submitted automatically.

      Hint: Use Dot (.) as a decimal separator. example format: 27.5  Moodle interprets 27,5 as an incorrect answer. 

    • Omröstning icon

      This course includes exercises sessions, every Wednesday. It is possible to take the exercises in the classroom and online. We would like to know your preferences beforehand to plan practicalities. 

      We have reserved room A046 in  Kandidaattikeskus. It accommodates up to 20 students if we have to keep social distance.  Please answer the poll concerning your preference for exercise session. 


    • Kunskapstest icon

      Deadline 10th November 14:15