ELEC-E5550 - Statistical Natural Language Processing D, Lecture, 11.1.2022-12.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E5550
Topic outline
- The exam starts at MyCourses (Exam section in the SNLP course page) 12:00 and finishes at 15:00.
- The password to access it will be sent to your email a few minutes before the start via MyCourses announcements.
- You probably need to refresh your browser to see the Exam. It will appear as a section on the left-side menu tab.
- You
can submit the answer to each question either by typing text in the
given text box or attaching a pdf file in the given file box.
- You can use any books, course material, internet, calculators and toolkits.
- Write in your own words. Do not copy any sentences not written by you.
- Do not communicate with other people during the exam.
- Do not share the exam questions or answers.
- If you have technical problems during the exam, you can ask for help in course Slack.
- The exam starts at MyCourses (Exam section in the SNLP course page) 12:00 and finishes at 15:00.