ELEC-E5550 - Statistical Natural Language Processing D, Lecture, 11.1.2022-12.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E5550
Topic outline
Points from the exam in April File PDF
Every exam question gives max 6.0 points. The maximum amount of exam points is 30.0. The sum will be scaled between 0..20 and added to the home assignment points after the home assignment points are scaled to 0..60 and capped to 40. The final grades will be computed after the project works have been graded.
Activity and Home exercise points File PDF
Explanation of columns:
- Activ = Activity points from lectures (11), max 25
- 00-intro
etc = Points from home assignments (8).
- TOT = Total home assignment
points, max 161.
- AH60 = Activity points (scaled to 0..10) + Home ass. points (scaled to 0..50) = max 60 points.
Final Scores and Grades File PDF
- The Final Grade is rounded from the Final Score.
- The Final Score is a weighted average of the Activity and Home exercise score (called TotScore) and Group project Grade (GG) = 0.6*TotScore + 0.4*GG.
- The Total Score was computed by formula: TotScore = (AHE60 - 20) / (0.9*60-20) *5. Thus 21 points (out of 60) was required to get a non-zero score. A negative score was rounded to zero.
- To compute the activity and home exercise points compensated by exam points (AHE60), the activity and home exercise points was first scaled to 0..60 points (AH60). Max 20 points could be there substituted by exam points scaled to 0..20 (E20). This is done by capping the the activity and home exercise points to 40 and then adding the exam points.
- Feedback of the final project report will be provided on MyCourses.
- The Final Grade is rounded from the Final Score.