
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
      Exercise Session Zoom URL
    • In general, you have more or less 14 days to complete an assignment. 
      Assignments are released every Tuesday and you need to submit them on Monday two weeks later.
      NOTE: because we release a new assignment every week and the deadline for each one is in two weeks, there are always two assignments for you two work on.
      The Intro assignment should take no more than 30 mins, so we give only six days for it.
      There might be other exceptions due to exam weeks or some technical problems. Here is the tentative schedule for 2022.
      Assignment Deadlines
      Name Release date Deadline Max Points
      00-Intro 13.01.2022 23.01.2022 23:59
      01-text-processing 18.01.2022    31.01.2022 23:59        24 
      02-ngrams 25.01.2022
      07.02.2022 23:59
      03-vsms 01.02.2022   14.02.2022 23:59    24 
      04-pos-tagging 08.02.2022   03.03.2022 23:59    24
      05-mt-evaluation 16.02.2022
      07.03.2022 23:59
      14.03.2022 23:59
      21.03.2022 23:59
      Societal impact:
      Forum discussion
       29.03.2022 11.04.2022 23:59

    • General Instructions for Homework Assignments 

      1. go to https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi/
      2. out of Server Options choose ELEC-E5550 - Statistical Natural Language Processing P (2022)
      3. go to the Assignments in the upper menu
      4. chose snlp2022 from a box next to "Released, downloaded, and submitted assignments for course" phrase
      5. Choose the assignment you need in "Released assignments" list and press Fetch for the assignment you want to work on
      6. this assignment will be available now in your /notebooks/snlp2022 folder (you can find it by going back to Files in the upper menu)
      7. when you’re done with the assignment, go once again to the Assignments section in the upper menu. Find your assignment in "Downloaded assignments" list and press Submit next to the assignment . You can submit multiple times, only the last attempt counts.
      8. When we're done grading the notebooks (it will be announced), you can find the feedback for yours in the Assignments tab of jupyterHub (the same where you were submitting and fetching). 
        When the feedback is available, it will be stated so near the latest version (before the deadline) of your submitted notebook. Press Fetch feedback to collect it. Now you should see the view feedback link next to the latest version of your notebook.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

      There is a question about getting feedback for the graded notebook, you can answer it after the deadline for this notebook has passed and the notebooks been autograded. You can answer the rest of this survey right away and press Save, and then come back to answer the feedback question.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Please provide your anonymous feedback. It helps us improve this and other assignments.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
      Societal impact: Forum discussion assignment