
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to CS-C3120 Human-Computer Interaction!

    The lecture takes place weekly on Tuesday, 14:15 - 15:45 (except during Evaluation week on October 26). The lecture will be held live on Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/63652821734

    Each lecture will also be recorded and made available here on MyCourses on Tuesday evening. You can also find the course readings and assignments here. All assignments will have to be submitted via MyCourses.

    IMPORTANT: Note that there will be NO exam. Your final grade will be based on a series of assignments that you will work on throughout the course.

    There is no final deadline for submitting all assignments. What is important though: If you need your final grade / ECTS in Sisu in 2021, please submit all your assignments by Dec 10.

    If you don’t need your grade in Sisu in 2021, you can also submit all your remaining assignments in January or even February. You will have your final grade in Sisu in late January or February (depending on when you submit your last assignment).