Topic outline


      Course metatheme: Designing for shared value


      • Ovans, A. (2015). What is a business model. Harvard business review, 23, 1-7.
      • Pages 431-434 from: Massa, L., & Tucci, C. L. (2013). Business model innovation. The Oxford handbook of innovation management, 20(18), 420-441. (link to the pdf with the 4 pages and references)

      For the ones not familiar with business model canvas:


      Notes: Ovans 2015 and 4 pages from Massa & Tucci (2013) give you an overview of business model as a concept, and a categorization of different tools we can use in business model development. The readings are quite "light" - Massa & Tucci is perhaps a bit more difficult, but relatively short.

      Then, if you are not familiar with the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder), please watch the two youtube videos. We will use the Business Model Canvas every now and then in the course. It is just one tool among many (and has several limitations), but you really cannot ignore it when talking about business model design :) For many, the tool is already very familiar, but if it is not for you, just check the videos!

    • On Thursdays we will have workshops where we take theoretical thinking into practice. During this period IV course we will have two workshop groups, one running in classroom (9.15-11.00) and the other in Zoom (12.15- 14.00).

      Choose 1 group according to your preference.