Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Quick info: 

    Exam locations on 28 October alphabetically based on your last name: 
    Otakaari 1, Hall B:  A-Korhonen
    Otakaari 1, Hall C:  Korpelainen-Railio
    Konemiehentie 2, Hall T1:  Ranta - Z

    Bring an identify document (physical student card, national identity card, or passport), writing instruments (e.g., pencils and eraser). No other equipment or material are allowed. Sheets of paper will be provided. Turn your phone OFF and put it into your bag or backpack. Coats, backpacks and all electronic devices must be stored away from your seat. Absolutely no electronic devices are allowed on your person or near your seat.

    This is an introductory course on the technical aspects of information security

    The course has been planned for both bachelor and master students with at least two years of previous studies in computer science. The students are assumed to have programming skills and a broad knowledge of computer-science concepts. 

    In autumn 2021, the course consist of recorded lectures, online exercises, and an examination. There will also be on-site support sessions for the exercise, and flipped classroom sessions to support learning of the lecture content. To complete the course, it is necessary to take the examination on campus. 

    Contact information: Use the MyCourses forums for public questions, contact cs-c3130@aalto.fi from your Aalto email for private questions. For help on the exercises, join the exercise advice sessions. Please do not email the course staff members directly. 

    Lecture slides and a link to the recorded lectures will be under Lectures. The lectures will be published during the course.

    Flipped classroom sessions will be in Zoom (link below) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 14:15-16:00 from 21 September to 21 October. There are five sessions in total; each week, the Tuesday and Thursday sessions have the same content.

    Exercise support sessions will be in Zoom (link under Exercises) and on campus (CS Building, address Konemiehentie 2, Learning Space Greenhouse, i.e., the old CS library). Registration (see under Exercises) is required for the on-campus sessions to comply with Covide-19 safety rules. Please wear a face mask in the on-campus session to protect yourself and the course assistants. 

    Examinations will be on campus on 28 October, 20 December, and 11 April. You can take one or more of the exams, and the highest grade will prevail. The exam is done with paper and pen. Note that the exam area includes all the lecture content, which is much broader than the exercises. 

    Lecture plan (subject to change):

    1.       Access control models

    2.       Access control in operating systems

    3.       User authentication

    4.       Software security

    5.       Cryptography

    6.       Data encryption

    7.       Security protocols

    8.       PKI and web security

    9.       Threat analysis

    10.   Identity management

    Live online event schedule



    Online dates and times
    (two alternative times)

    Course info

    Course arrangements Q&A

    Thu 16 September 14:15-15:00

    Flipped classroom session 1

    Access control

    Tue 21 and Thu 23 September
    at 14:15 (1-2 hours)

    Flipped classroom session 2

    Authentication & Software Security

    Tue 28 and Thu 30 September
    at 14:15 (1-2 hours)

    Flipped classroom session 3


    Tue 5 and Thu 7 October
    at 14:15 (1-2 hours)

    Flipped classroom session 4

    Tue 12 and Thu 14 October
    at 14:15 (1-2 hours)

    Flipped classroom session 5

    Threat analysis

    Tue 19 and Thu 21 October
    at 14:15 (1-2 hours)

    Exercise support session online and on campus



    Online dates and times

    On campus dates and times

    Exercise 1 support sessions

    Access control in Linux and Windows

    21,22,23 September at 16:15-18:00

    21,22,23 September 16:15-18:00.

    Exercise 1 deadline


    Fri 24 September at 18:00 (Sun 3 October with limited support)


    Exercise 2 support sessions

    Software and web security 1: SQL injection

    28,29,30 September at 16:15-18:00

    29,29,30 September 16:15-18:00.

    Exercise 2 deadline


    Fri 1 October at 18:00 (Sun 10 October with limited support)


    Exercise 3 support sessions

    Software and web security 2: web security

    5,6,7 October at 16:15-18:00

    5,6,7 October at 16:15-18:00

    Exercise 3 deadline


    Fri 8 October at 18:00 (Sun 17 October with limited support)


    Exercise 4 support sessions

    Software and web security 3: buffer overrun

    12,13,14 October at 16:15-18:00

    12,13,14 October at 16:15-18:00

    Exercise 4 deadline


    Fri 15 October at 18:00 (Sun 24 October with limited support)


    Exercise 5 support sessions

    Software and web security 4: XSS

    19,20,21 October at 16:15-18:00

    19,20,21 October at 16:15-18:00

    Exercise 5 deadline


    Fri 22 October at 18:00 (Sun 31 October with limited support)



    • Zoom link for flipped classroom sessions Verkko-osoite
    • Announcements Keskustelualue
    • Discussion Keskustelualue