
  • In this week we learn to understand how we can assess probabilities from the spectra directly without tedious numerical procedures by using the spectral moments. In order to do this, we must first make sure that the signal satisfies the mathematical conditions required for this approach to be valid. One key difference to the approach from previous week is that the short cut we take is valid for linear process which follow strictly conditions of narrow-banded, stationary Gaussian process with zero mean. We recommend that you perform the following sequence of learning actions:

    1. Get acquainted with the Assignment of this week (see Assignments-section) to get hands-on understanding of the framework where we operate. 

    2. Check the Lecture slides for this week in order to understand the fundamental ideas and theories we can use to solve the weekly problem. Make notes on them and how you understand them. 

    3. Then you can watch the video and see how the story is told by someone else. Think about the open issues you have about the subject. The things you understand, you do not understand or you are unsure about.

    4. Start making the assignments.

    5. Join the question hour to ask about any open issues. The question hours are on: 

    Tuesday, October 12th 2021, 08:00-10:00 or Wednesday, October 13th 2021, 12:00-14:00.