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    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija


    I have prepared videos that you can watch at your own pace and whenever you prefer.  The material for each week is provided in a separate Section (accessible from the menu on the left).


    Tuesdays (10.15-12.00).  I will be available to answer your questions regarding the theory and solve a few example problems.  This will be on Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64852919054

    Calculation hours:

    Wednesdays (12.15-14.00).  Connect with Zoom (use link above) to get help with the weekly assignment.


    The assignments will be available on Mondays, and have to be submitted by the following Sunday at 23.59.  Assignments submitted late will be penalised.


    Online, open-book exam.

    i) Thursday, Dec 16, 13.00-17.00.

    ii) Thursday, Feb 24, 13.00-17.00. 


    Five (weekly) assignments:  40%

    Exam: 60%


    Grade Final mark %
    5 >=86
    4 76-85
    3 66-75
    2 56-65
    1 50-55
    0-Fail <=49

    Contact details:
    Luc St-Pierre, Teacher in charge, luc.st-pierre@aalto.fi
    Waqas Ahmad, Teaching assistant, waqas.ahmad@aalto.fi
    Mehdi Arazm, Teaching assistant, mehdi.arazm@gmail.com