Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Thank you for the course!

    Topical: (19.12.2021 update)

    The total course has been GRADED and the information should be in SISU now.

    If you notice any issues, please, contact jyrki.kajaste@aalto.fi !

    See also feedback files for

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) is GRADED -> feedback files available!

    Assignment 2 HERE is GRADED -> feedback files available!!

    The total grading is simply like this:
    boundary 90 points -> 5
    boundary 80 points ->4
    boundary 70 points ->3

    Happy holidays and  New Year 2022! See you later!


    Jyrki Kajaste

    ..... old material below .....

    We will have to skip the "group discussions" and "laboratory visits" this year. Sorry!

    Some information still to come!

    ... older material below ...

    Deadlines this week ... and Group discussions ...

    Assignment 2 HERE (deadline 7.12.2021)

     Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) (deadline 10.12.2021)

    Lecture on Tuesday 7.12.2021 ONLY IN TEAMS

    Group discussions ... the next week
    The initial idea was to organize laboratory visit and dicussion with the research groups. However ... because of some "challenges", the laboratory visits are not possible this autumn. However ...
    - discussion with the groups in TEAMS (the next week, suggestion 14.12. or 15.12. lecture/exercise times)
    - points a) for the GROUP and b) for the individual students
    You can reserve a time for your group today during lesson. Otherwise we will have discussion by using emails, for instance.

    ... older material below ....

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1 GRADED

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) opened (deadline 10.12.2021)

    Simulation Session on Wednesday 1.12.2021 in TEAMS

    ... older material below ....

    - Lecture on Tuesday 30.11.2021 ONLY IN TEAMS

    Assignments 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 with some background material will be presented during lecture on Tuesday.

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) opened (24.11.2021)

    Session on Wednesday 1.12.2021 in TEAMS

    .... older material below ....

    Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) opened (24.11.2021)

    Materials are now uploaded (24.11.2021) and available for you:

    - Powerpoint template available

    - Assignment instructions (Word) available

    - Simulink file(s) for pump benchmarking and parameter tuning available (also R2019a version)

    (this assignment is explained during Wednesday simulation session

    This assignment is based on Simscape Simulation assignment 1, but made in GROUPS.

    Deadline is 10.12.2021

    ... older material below ...

    Simscape assignment news:

    - Lecture on Tuesday 23.11.2021 a) in Room 202 and b) in TEAMS

    Grading of Simscape Simulation assignment 1 going on.

    Assignments 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 with some background material will be presented during lecture on Tuesday.

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1 assignment's updated deadline is 19.11.2021.

    - Lecture on Tuesday 16.11.2021 a) in Room 202 and b) in TEAMS

    Assignments 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 with some background material were presented during lecture on Tuesday.


    With the new and better(?) Matlab (R2021b) version it is possible that all the Simscape applications do not .... converge.

    The problem might be related to Phase 4, at least.

    New and quick solutions, how to tackle this issue can be found under Simscape Simulation assignment 1 - link HERE

    Assignment 2 HERE - Assignment 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 documents available: 2 Powerpoints + 3 Mathcad templates

    - Simulation session in TEAMS on Wednesday 17.11.2021

    ............ older material below ...............

    Assignments 2.2 and 2.3 with some background material were presented during lecture on Tuesday 9.11.2021.

    - Lecture on Tuesday 9.11.2021 a) in Room 202 a) in Room 202 and b) in TEAMS

    - Simulation session in TEAMS on Wednesday 10.11.2021

    Lecture on Tuesday 2.11.2021 contained information related to that. 

    More parts of Assignment 2 to come (Assignment 2.2) next week!

    - Tuesday lecture

    - Wednesday simulation exercise

    Assignment 1 graded HERE. Good work! See the feedback files!

    ... old information below ...

    - Lecture on Tuesday 2.11.2021 a) in Room 202 a) in Room 202 and b) in TEAMS

    - Simulation session on Wednesday 3.11.2021

    - New Assignment (Assignment 2) introduced partially

    - Tuesday: lecture a) in Room 202 and b) in TEAMS including simulation also AND some Assignment 1 information (see "Hints" Powerpoint file added 18.10.2021 under Assignment 1)

    Lectures in a) Lecture hall 202 of K1 building (address below), b) TEAMS (link below), and c) afterwards as a video (link in TEAMS class below)

    Lecture hall 202 of building: R008 / Konetekniikka 1, also known as building K1. Street: Otakaari 4


    Lecture on Tuesday through TEAMS :Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    - Wednesday: simulation session in TEAMS

    Simulation sessions on Wednesdays at 16.15 o'clock Wednesday 20.10.2021: Click here to join the meeting

    - Friday: Group assignment deadline

    Recorded Lecture videos (in TEAMS classroom):

    1. through TEAMS classroom of this course HERE.

    2. under ... Files -> Documents -> General -> Recordings


    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    We will start simulation exercises this week.

    Simscape Simulation assignment 1 - link HERE

    - probably on Tuesday 12.10. already but ...

    - on Wednesday 13.10. at 16.15. o'clock, a special simulation session

    Software, please download and install (https://download.aalto.fi/index-en.html) or use Aalto's workstations remotely:

    - Matlab

    - Simulink

    - Simcscape - Simscape Fluids

    Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

    Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:


    More info:

    https://www.aalto.fi/fi/palvelut/it-palvelut-opiskelijoille  (FI) ->Etätyö - VPN ja VDI

    https://www.aalto.fi/en/it-for-students (ENG) -> Remote Work


    Normally lectures also in campus (not 12.10.2021):

    Lectures in a) Lecture hall 202 of K1 building (address below), b) TEAMS (link below) and c) afterwards as a video (link in TEAMS class below)

    Lecture hall 202 of building: R008 / Konetekniikka 1, also known as building K1.

    Street: Otakaari 4


    Assignment 1 materials are available HERE.

    Lecture slides will be available also under Materials. (including Tuesday 28.9.2021).

    Lecture videos (2 at the moment):

    1. through TEAMS classroom of this course HERE.

    2. under ... Files -> Documents -> General -> Recordings


    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    Lecture hall 202 of building: R008 / Konetekniikka 1, also known as building K1.

    Street: Otakaari 4


    Three (3) of the HOTTEST (22.9.2021) Topics ...

    1. Lecture Video (2 ways to access the video)

    1.1 through Sharepoint of Tuesday 21.9.2021 lecture HERE or ...

    1.2 through TEAMS classroom of this course HERE.

    1.2.1 you should probably prefer file link in TEAMS under ... Files -> Documents -> General -> Recordings

    2. Research Group selection ...

    Use link this LINK under Assignments to enrol. Make it soon!

    three member groups (maximum) for the the Group assignments. 

    3. Lecture slides of 21.9.2021 also available HERE.


    Topic 1. 21.9.2021: Tuesday lecture at 16.15 o'clock in TEAMS AND also live lecture in Campus ...

    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    Lecture hall 202 of building: R008 / Konetekniikka 1, also known as building K1.

    Street: Otakaari 4


    Topic 2. Research Group selection ...

    Use link this LINK under Assignments to enrol.

    3 member groups are for the the Group assignments. 

    Topic 3.

    The background of the 1st Group assignment will be explained during the Tuesday (21.9.2021) lecture.

    14.9.2021: Tuesday lectures in TEAMS at 16.15 - 18.00  .... starting 14.9.2021, use link below:

    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    Lecture slides will be available also under Materials.

    8.9.2021: Fluid Power Basics lecture materials available HERE (also under Materials) as background material.


    You can see the schedule on the right side -> AND also as a Table 100 mm below.

    Most of the sessions will be in TEAMS. However, we still try to ... at least

    - visit the laboratory

    - have a "group discussion"

    In our Fluid Power courses we will use …

    • Matlab
    • Simulink
    • Simscape Fluids (in this Systems course)

      As you have Aalto's IT license, you can download Matlab and some other useful software to your personal computers, if you like from web page .... https://download.aalto.fi/index-en.html

    • We will use also Mathcad, but you can’t download it from Aalto’s pages.
    Preliminary schedule

    "See you!"

    If you have anything to ask etc., please contact (me)