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      Grades from Final Evaluation of MEC-E6004 (Period II 2021/2022) Fil PDF
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      Rules and Operation Guidelines_v30Nov2021 Fil PDF
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      QUIZ 1 (45 %): Establishment of NDT plan (with 3 questions: Essay 1 to Essay 3) Kunskapstest
      Event: December 16th, 2021

      • Start 9h00 (opens 10 min before, i.e. 8h50); End: 10h40; Duration: 1h40 min;
      • In each of the Essays 1 to 3, you have up to 40 text lines available to use in your answer;
      • In each of the Essays 1 to 3, you may add up to 3 documents to your answer (not mandatory). The format can be pdf or any image file, e.g. produced with paint, or photos of schematic drawings you did during the exam (in A4 white-background paper, preferentially), with captions.

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      QUIZ 2 (30 %): 20 multi-choice questions on all course contents Kunskapstest
      Event: December 16th, 2021

      • Start 10h45 (available 5 min before, i.e. 10h40); End: 11h15; Duration: 30 min (about 1.5 min per statement);
      • From ALL the 20 statements, SELECT ONLY the statements with TRUE value, using your knowledge of NDT technology. If the statement is FALSE, then DO NOT SELECT that answer;
      • Each statement can be TRUE or FALSE, there are 10 TRUE statements, and 10 FALSE statements;
      • Evaluation criteria:

        o   Selecting statements with value = TRUE then mark = +3.0 %

        o   Not selecting statements with value = TRUE then mark = 0 %

        o   Selecting statements with value = FALSE then mark = -3.0 %

        o   Not selecting statements with value = FALSE then mark = 0 %

      • ALL statements are considered for the exam evaluation, so you need to evaluate the value for ALL statements, selecting only the ones with TRUE value.

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      QUIZ 3 (25 %): Quantitative analysis (with 1 to 3 questions, i.e.: Essay 1 to Essay 3) Kunskapstest
      Event: December 16th, 2021

      • Start 11h20 (opens 5 min before, i.e. 11h15); End: 12h10; Duration: 50 min;
      • In each of the Essays 1 to 3, you have up to 40 text lines available to use in your answer;
      • In each of the Essays 1 to 3, you may add up to 3 documents to your answer (not mandatory, but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED). The format can be pdf or any image file, e.g. produced with paint, or photos of schematic drawings, you did during the exam (in A4 white-background paper, preferentially), with captions.