Topic outline

  • There will be 3 home assignments, each consisting of Programming (in Python) and Pen & Paper exercises.

    Submission Instructions
    The submission consists of two parts:

    1) ProgrammingThe programming tasks are provided and submitted through the JupyterHub system (see the "JupyterHub" section for instructions). You will be awarded points for the programming part only through the JupyterHub submission.

    2) Pen & Paper: Answers to the Pen & Paper part are submitted to MyCourses. If you have handwritten solutions, scan them and upload them compiled into a single pdf. Please try to keep the file size in a reasonable range (< 10 MB), but make sure it is still readable.

    Late submissions will result in no points.

    #   Release date    Exercise session   Submission deadline
    1 11.03. 17.03. 21.03. 4pm
    2 25.03. 31.03. 06.04. 4pm
    3 22.04. 28.04. 04.05. 4pm

    Support / Feedback
    Please use Zulip for questions, feedback, etc. Usually, other students have similar questions, so please ask there and help others when you know the answer to a posted issue. Reactions of the TAs might take a day and is less likely during the weekends. Additionally, the exercise sessions are organized in the week preceding each deadline where you can ask your questions and seek help from TAs and fellow students.

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      Assignment icon
      Assignment 1

      Update on Assignment 1 (15.3.2022): Typo corrected in Task 4. {-1,1} changed to an open interval (-1,1).

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      Assignment 2