
  • CS-E4900 - User-Centered Methods for Product and Service Design

    During autumn 2021 the course can be taken completely remotely/online.

    All lectures and group presentations are held in Zoom.

    We will offer also a face-to-face mentoring option for the group work part.

    The course starts on Monday 13.9.2021 at 10:15 with an online Zoom lecture
    (We will use this same Zoom as long as we do not get Zbombed, therefore you must be signed in to Zoom with your Aalto account. We strongly suggest using the Zoom app, and there is a waiting room)

    There are no prerequisites for this course.

    Participation in all lectures and workshops is strongly encouraged.

    Learning objectives:

    • To be able to explain and apply methods for usability research emphasising:
      • methods for user research at the beginning of the user-centred design process in gathering user requirements for development;
      • tools and methods for analysing qualitative data.
    • To be able to search for relevant scientific publications.
    • To be able to write academically and reference properly.

    The course has two main activities:

    1 ) Read through the provided materials (+1 of your own choosing) on user research methodology and write a reflective essay. After writing the essay you must also read and review three of your fellow students' essays.

    2) In groups of 4-5 students to:
    • Conduct a small observation and interview field study
    • Analyse your findings on series of workshops and present your results as your final pitch.