
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to the Transport Modelling course! 

    The course belongs to the elective courses of the Master's Program in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering. 

    The course is intended for Master's and PhD students and it is offered in English.

    The course is aimed at learning the objectives and roles of models in transportation systems analysis. Moreover, it includes components of Innovation and Entrepreneurship supported by the Aalto Ventures Programme (https://avp.aalto.fi/).

    Learning outcomes

    After successful completion of the course, a student is able to:

    • Justify data collection and management methods and technology
    • Apply trip-based, discrete-choice and activity-based models for transport systems
    • Apply network theory to transport systems
    • Explain differences and similarities between different models used for transport systems
    • Follow scientific literature in transport systems modelling

    Course content

    The course contents include:

    1. Introduction to Transport Modelling
    2. Data management 
    3. Trip generation
    4. Trip distribution
    5. Modal split
    6. Traffic assignment 
    7. User equilibrium vs System optimal
    8. Activity-based modelling
    9. Integrated land-use and transport models


    News regarding the course will be posted here in myCourses, within the Announcements Forum. Please, make sure you receive notifications when new messages are posted.

    Due to the recent events related to the pandemics, most of the sessions of this course will take place online. If some activity could happen in-person, this will be notified in the Announcements Forum. Although this is not a requirement, you are more than welcome to share your video when talking and participating to activities and discussions. This will be surely appreciated by your colleagues as it helps improving human connections in these challenging times. Note also that there is an assignment about this in the Assignments box.