Osion kuvaus

  • Before the course starts on Tuesday 11.1., you should finish a small pretask.

    1. Identify two places that are personally meaningful for you

    Please identify both a positive and negative urban place experience, that is especially meaningful to you for a variety of reasons. The place can be:

    • A smaller scale place or a larger area
    • In Finland or elsewhere
    • The experience can be related to whatever part of your life

    2. Make a short presentation about your place experiences

    Describe the two places that you chose:

    • Use maps, photographs, drawings, video or text to describe the places. What are the places like physically?
    • Tell about your own place experiences. Why do you feel positively or negatively about these places? How does the physical setting contribute to your experiences?
    Please make a Power Point presentation with max 2 slides (no more!) or make a short video (max 3 min).

    During the first session you will introduce yourself while giving your presentation.

    Feel free to ask further instructions if needed!