Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Dear student of the traffic management course

    Note!  Take a look of the schedule and locations. There are minor updates.

    This year we will finally go back to classroom teaching.
    Events on Mondays (12-15), Tuesdays (9-12) and Wednesdays (12-14)  
    Lectures and ITS-project at classroom R3-255 in R-building, Rakentajanaukio 4 A
    Simulation sessions 1 & 2 at computer room 301d in K1-building, Otakaari 4

    The group project on intelligent transport systems will be organized and supervised by Jouni Ojala.
    A group exercises consists of three simulation sessions. Further instructions will be provided later.
    Both exercises are mandatory in order to pass the course.
    Participation to classroom teaching is strongly encouraged. Extra credit points are given (1 per lecture).

    Status of the Course 

    Master's programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering, advanced studies (optional)

    Level of the Course 

    Master's level, doctoral level

    Teaching Period 

    V (spring term)


    Lectures 30 h
    Exercises 20 h
    Other work 6 h
    Independent work 77 h
    All together 133 h = 5 cr

    Learning Outcomes 

    After the course, the student should be able to:
    - Understand of the multi-level/multi-objective nature of the traffic and mobility management
    - Understand the need of intelligent systems in order to achieve the objectives related to
       sustainality, safety, fluency, energy and economy
    - Promote the sustainable transport modes and energy solutions
    - Manage the operation of multi-modal intersections
    - Take in account the special needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport
    - Choose the appropriate junction types
    - Plan the basic operation of traffic signals
    - Be aware of the technological disruption and its potential in traffic management
    - Choose the best technologies and services against the given requirements and to evaluate the benefits
    - Construct a vision of what is required from the future transport system to solve the major challenges


    Systems approach (elements of control, introduction to ITS)
    Traffic safety (human aspects, junction design, speed control)
    Technolobgy (sensors, data management, basic services)
    Sustainable energy solutions, electric mobility
    The basic operation and planning of traffic signal control (timing, phasing, priorities)
    Advanced management of urban traffic (coordination, optimization, C-ITS)
    Major arterials (ramp metering, route guidance, variable speed limits)
    Vehicle automation (driver support systems, levels of automation)
    Mobility Management (mobility planning, parking, MaaS)
    Rail traffic management (railway operation, priorities, automation)
    Intelligent logistics (supply chains, tracking, RFID, automation)

    Assessment Methods and Criteria 

    Lectures, exercise works, final exam

    Study Material 

    Slides of the lectures, Textbook, additional material

    Grading Scale 


    Language of Instruction 
