Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The course will take place in periods IV and V, on Wednesdays 16.15–18h, and on intensive days during 11.–13.4.2022.

    This spring, the focus of the course will be on planetary liveability to address the recent national and municipal level goals of carbon negativity. Consensus on the definition of carbon negative cities is still missing and planning practices for reaching these goals have not yet been established. Consequently, the course will address questions like: What does carbon negativity in cities and planning entail? How and why to address carbon negativity on the human scale of cities and beyond? How and why to assess the policies and actions that aim for carbon negativity? And how could digital tools and methods support (or not support) the planning of carbon negative cities?

    During the course, these questions are iteratively approached through in-class dialogues and five interrelated assignments with a case of Carbon Negative Östersundom. In the hands-on assignments, we will learn to cope with the uncertainties in available planning data and to consider the reliability of the available methods. The selection of lectures is planned to offer a diversity of insights into the overall theme. The course is organized in collaboration with the City of Helsinki and Spacemaker.

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