Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • All days in Särkkä Island, a part of Suomenlinna UNESCO World Heritage Site.

      Prepare to spend 8:45-16:30 on this course. We will work partly outdoors at Särkkä. 

      How to get there: Tuesday 28.9.2021, be latest at 8:50 at the ferry stop at Långörens brygga near the Café Ursula (see www.reittiopas.fi). The ferry departs from the end of the pier. The ferry leaves promptly at 9:00. Be on time.

      Creative Sustainability program will purchase you ferry tickets – do not buy the tickets yourself.

      Teacher will take the ferry with you to Särkkä (ca 10 min). In Särkkä, the ferry arrives at and departs from the same pier. Walking from the main piers to The Piper Hall takes 5 min. The teacher will walk with you there.

      Clothes: Warm clothes, something against wind and shoes for walking outdoors. We will walk at least one hour around the island.  It may be sunny, but cold and windy and trails are poor. Take a look at the weather forecast. We will work outdoors as much as possible.

      Food: Bring your own food, coffee/tea etc. for the lunch and breaks and a bottle for water/drinking for the field visit. Bring your own mug etc. you need for drinking and eating. The restaurant is closed. 


      Contacts: Dr. Paula Siitonen  Email: paula.siitonen@aalto.fi Phone: +358 400 993826