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    Welcome to Water and People course!

    Schedule and other practicalities

    Registration has been closed. Please do the pre-assignment in time! Note: there will be short pre-assignment to be done, due on Tue 19th of April at 12:00, to get familiar with the programming environment.

    The course starts on Tue 19h of April 2022 at 12:30.

    The course can only be done by attending to live lectures and exercises and thus pure online learning is not possible. However, all the lectures and training sessions will be recorded and thus if you are sick and cannot attend, you can still watch the lectures and training sessions. For Thu workshops also online attendance is possible. 

    See more details in 'Schedule & practicalities' tab on the left. 

    Please note

    1. Tuesdays' lecture-training sessions (12:30-16:15) are compulsory and student need to attend to minimum five out of six of them, in order to pass the course.

    2. Thursdays workshops (9:30-11:30) are not compulsory but recommended. To these you can also attend via zoom.

    3. Due to public holidays, one Thursday workshop will be held on Wednesday instead - see schedule for more details

    Short description

    Food security and the overall wellbeing of human kind are threatened by the overexploitation of our water and land resources. Water scarcity is not only a threat to people, but also to many of the planet's key ecosystems. But how have we ended up in this situation, and how does the future look like? 

    In this course, the aim is to investigate how the world has changed over time, and how these changes have impacted on our water and land resources. Moreover, as the pressure on natural resources is expected to only grow in the future, an overview on future pathways is given. Within the course, a student will explore and assess these changes using various spatial analyses methods of R, over different global datasets. Moreover, advanced graph and map making is practised with Adobe Illustrator.  


    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the teacher: