Topic outline

  • Check that you have remembered to sign up for one of this week's practice sessions at  Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!)

    The purpose of this week is to start practising your talk since you have mostly put together the basics of the talk: you have the visuals and the outline. In addition, you will focus on the aspects of delivery that you deem useful in view of preparing for the final presentation.
    First, you will attend one practice session with a max. of 3 other students from this course and the instructor and give the practice version of the talk with slides. You'll get feedback on your talk, as well as also see and hear the other students' presentations and give feedback to them, helping everyone create a good final version of their talks.  To make this feedback discussion useful and fun, please familiarize yourself with some golden rules for Giving constructive feedback. 

    After the practice session, you will complete this week's other assignments. You'll get a link to your practice presentation video, watch and analyse it at home, and complete Assignment 9 by filling in the Self-evaluation form.
    NB! A9 must be submitted within 48h from receiving the link to the video.

    How to prepare for the practice session:

    • Please practise at least once at home with your slides and time yourself to ensure your presentation falls within the time limits (8-10 minutes). Join the session prepared to present the whole talk, with your visuals as ready as possible.

    • Sign up beforehand at  Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!)! Each student participates in one practice session only:          
          Thu  3.2., 9-11
           Fri  4.4., 9-11 or 14-16

    • Take a look at the Practice session: peer feedback guidelines  posted below before joining the practice session. We'll use it as a basis for the feedback discussions after each presentation.

    • Please check that you have a working camera and microphone available. The presentations will be videotaped for further analysis.