Osion kuvaus

  • For the individual work assignment your task is to write an academic paper of 4500-6000 words excluding the reference list. The individual work assignment weighs 100% in your final mark.

    28 possible topics are provided in the Syllabus from which you have to choose one. However, you can (and it is even recommended!) that you consider merging insights from multiple topics if you think it supports the development of an interesting research question and framework for your paper. You can also propose your own topic if you feel that your preferred work is not related to any of the suggested themes. If so, please send an explanation to johannes.gartner@aalto.fi.

    You are required to use at least five academic sources in your paper. You can use government white papers, blogs and magazine articles, but academic sources are preferred, such as articles from the top entrepreneurship journals: Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Regional & Development, Small Business Management, International Journal of Small Business, and Journal of Business Venturing Insights.

    Exemplary top management journals that publish articles on entrepreneurship are: e.g. Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies. Organization Science, and Organization Studies.

    To get started, each of the 28 topic description offered in the Syllabus comprises a list of 5-8 essential academic readings.

    You have to submit your final paper electronically (Word or PDF file) by 12.11.2021 (23:55) at MyCourses (Submission box is on the front page of this course).

    See Syllabus for more instructions. 

    Note! There are no possibilities to change or improve your grade after you submit the assignment. You can however book a feedback session after the grades have been published in MyCourses.