
  • Lectures

    Are the lectures compulsory?

    Nothing in life is compulsory, but participation in the lectures is part of the requirements for receiving a ‘5’ for the course. If you are unable to attend the lectures, you may watch the recordings and submit reflection notes based on the presented material.

    Will the lectures be recorded?


    When will the recordings be available?

    It takes some time for the software to process lecture recordings and add captions. Lecture recordings will be uploaded as soon as possible, on the day of the lecture if it is at all humanly possible.


    I missed an assignment deadline because x. Can I still submit my work?

    Late assignments will not be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a documented illness. Tech issues do not count as exceptional circumstances. It is good practice to backup your work and not leave anything for the last minute.

    Group Activities 

    My friend is also taking the course. Can we be in the same group?

    Yes. Details on how we will form the groups will be communicated at the start of the course. Please check your Aalto email regularly, especially during the week leading up to the course.